Saturday 29 May 2021

Eurovision 2021

 Well, it was with deep sadness that we were sans Eurovision last year... The absence of this silly thing felt very strange for someone who has, despite its silliness, watched it every single year of her life, and illustrated it each year since 2014!

You can see those previous illustrations here:

2014, 2015, 2016. 2017, 2018, 2019

But happily, despite all the odds, this year we're back, and SO AM I! For the first time ever with DIGITAL illustrations (using Procreate on my iPad)!

I tried to focus on this as a very fast, moving, life drawing exercise, and I think that mindset has been helpful — less focus on staging and costumes than previous years (though still some, don't worry) and more focus on capturing the movement and look of the main performers.

I was relatively pleased, anyway!

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