Twelfth year of hourly comicsing! Wild.
You can see all the previous hourly comics days here...
2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
I first started doing these digitally in 2021, and sometimes wonder if I peaked that year (2021 and 2019 are maybe my favs). In 2021, I did the typography using a font, which simultaneously felt like cheating and made those some of the coolest ones. Maybe next year I'll revisit that approach. For now, I think these went better than last year at least, mostly because I chose a nicer pen nib! Still I wish I'd had time for a few more colourful flourishes.
It's also weird doing it on a Saturday — even though in theory it's better, in practice it's kind of fun drawing the stuff I am forced to do on weekdays rather than the stuff I choose to do on a weekend. Both interesting in their own way I guess. Next year's is a Sunday so we'll find out again then!