Monday, 3 February 2025

Hourly comics day 2025

Twelfth year of hourly comicsing! Wild.

You can see all the previous hourly comics days here...

2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

I first started doing these digitally in 2021, and sometimes wonder if I peaked that year (2021 and 2019 are maybe my favs). In 2021, I did the typography using a font, which simultaneously felt like cheating and made those some of the coolest ones. Maybe next year I'll revisit that approach. For now, I think these went better than last year at least, mostly because I chose a nicer pen nib! Still I wish I'd had time for a few more colourful flourishes.

It's also weird doing it on a Saturday — even though in theory it's better, in practice it's kind of fun drawing the stuff I am forced to do on weekdays rather than the stuff I choose to do on a weekend. Both interesting in their own way I guess. Next year's is a Sunday so we'll find out again then!