Wednesday 31 August 2022

August 2022

I've been swimming a lot this month, and I've also been working a lot. On a domestic and personal level I'm very contented, but I'm finding that during any mental-downtime, my mind is becoming preoccupied with a whirl of national and global crises. I can't stop thinking about how the cost of living rises are going to severely affect me, and push probably tens or hundreds of thousands of people into destitution. Oh also the planet is fucked? When I'm swimming all I can think about is how many lengths I've done, and maybe on more annoying days, about the interactions between me and other people in my lane. It's a peace of sorts, and one that other forms of exercise have never bought me, so I feel very glad I decided to return after nearly two decades away from the pool.

But anyway, this drawing isn't about any of that good stuff. It's about the sheer quantity of disgusting gubbins that floats in the water of my local municipal pool. (Another thing to occupy my mind with during the back-and-forth)

After a long break for my surgery and recovery, back at it with the Capital Ring walks (I started on section 10, and have done 10 – 15, so now getting to the official 'start' of the route).

Woolwich to Falconwood, a section of London I know basically nothing about. Also apparently one of the greenest sections! We certainly enjoyed it.

Given that the last time I went swimming was in my childhood, and maybe a little of my teens, I'd never been to formal lane swimming sessions before. I am simultaneously greatly annoyed by, and filled with the utmost affection for, my fellow regular pool users. 

Like the guy who just strides along sideways like a crab in the slow lane getting in everyone's way. Terrible! Unacceptable! The sheer audacity of it! But also, you do you, I guess?! I find myself both annoyed and amused by around 1 in 10 people's total inability to judge which lane they should be in. Like, I am MINUTELY aware of whether I am keeping pace with everyone else in my lane, whether I am slowing people down or going too fast... And yet, most days, there will be at least one person in the lane totally fucking everything up for everyone else — either totally unaware of what they're doing, or willfully determined to continue, for reasons entirely their own. 

(Anyway that last drawing is supposed to be me, though obviously I never actually say anything to anyone, as that would be the ultimate breach of etiquette)

And you know what, I think you probably earned a burger too. Treat yo' self.

Guess who put the 'A' in the wrong place so this doesn't read well. Yes I am a professional graphic designer.

I've been too busy to have lie-ins much recently (even at the weekends!) but I do get to sleep in after my Samaritans shifts, and Chase likes to keep me company.

Loving no-nip-life tbh :)

Very much enjoyed the 'Rooted Beings' exhibition at the Wellcome Collectio, which I visited with my friend Jade. "‘Rooted Beings’ invites you to embark on a meditative reflection on the world of plants and fungi. The exhibition considers what we might learn from plant behaviour, and the impacts of colonial expeditions on the exploitation of natural resources and indigenous knowledges."

It's in its last week now, so if you're in or near London, go soooon!

Applied for a (small, part time) job, got it?!?!? I'll talk more about this soon I guess...

Another reason I'm not having many lie ins at the moment (not that I'm complaining, I love the sun)

Got hot again (I'm into it)

I think I've said this before, but I travelled so little during the pandemic that I kind of forgot how to pack, and now every time I go away, I pack way more than I need! Anyway, I actually did a lot better this time, which I feel pleased about.

I was packing because it was finally time for me and my partner to go on holiday!! We've been together nearly 3 years, and yet we'd never been away together before. Mostly because of the pandemic, but also because they're a homebody who hates holidays, and I am extremely contented travelling alone (maybe I even prefer it?!). Plus Chase is a big baby who hates all forms of transit and also hates going to anyone else's house, and because we can't bear to see her suffer, we can't really go away unless we find someone willing to come and stay in our house to keep her company.

Anyway, I finally got my act together, persuaded my cousin Sarah to come stay with Chase, so me and Spen were able to pack our bags and head north for a nice, not-too-ambitious five day break, starting in Harrogate.

We stayed in a lovely airbnb (that they thought was tacky), and enjoyed walking around one of Harrogate's lovely parks. We also totally failed to find a decent independent restaurant serving vegan food, so ended up having Wagamama, oh well. Also met LOTS of very good dogs, which slightly eased how much we missed our own buddy.

I booked us into Harrogate's historic Turkish Baths spa for a luxury day out, and it was very lovely. In the morning we just got to parade around the spa area, various different levels and humidities of sauna, plus a lovely plunge/swimming pool. In the afternoon we had 'treatments' (massage, facial, mani/pedi) which were kind of mediocre, but I still felt lovely afterwards.

We cancelled out some of the 'wellness' by having a big chippy tea for dinner.

The next day we briefly stopped in on my partner's mum (and cat) who I had not previously met, and then headed to York for a new days staying with my friends Justin and Dav. Dav's allotment continues to go from strength to strength, and it was lovely for my partner to get to visit it for the first time. Dav let me do some flower arranging of his lovely blooms!

My partner mostly failed to have a good holiday, complaining of an upset stomach, a headache, and fever at various different intervals, being at their worst on the Thursday. I think it was 'I-can't-cope-with-being-away-from-my-own-house-itis' :) 

I'd booked us a Betty's lunch, so selfishly left them in bed feeling sorry for themself and went to Betty's by myself anyway. Betty's is famous for its afternoon tea, and now has a wonderful vegan option, which I thoroughly enjoyed munching my way through over the course of a couple of hours, accompanied by a good book.

We headed home on the Friday (which I think my partner was thoroughly glad about), after a nice lunch in York. I will now take seriously their belief that holidays are in fact, bad, and not make them come with me for at least another three years :) (I had a lovely time, and I think they did enjoy SOME aspects of it, not least finally meeting Justin and Dav, spa time, and petting lots of cute northern dogs)

It's really hard to take time off as a freelancer though

I can't remember if I mentioned, but I've been getting more involved with STUFF at my Quaker Meeting House, including overseeing the open houses festival this September. As part of this, I put together a cute worksheet for kids!

It took me ages to find a swimsuit that fit. I thought the problem would be solved by lopping my tits off, but unfortunately I also apparently have a LONG TORSO, weird. Anyway, I finally shelled out for this cute swimsuit and it's great. Hopefully it will last me a long time, as I don't want to spend that much money again in a hurry!

My ebike stopped charging?! Apparently this is a common problem and I have to take it back to the shop I got it from to get a replacement charger, but I just have noooooo timmmmmme. I do need to do it soon though because I am way too unfit to cycle anywhere the old fashioned way...

I arrived early for my lane swimming session at the local pool and caught the end of the kids session, during which I discovered THERE'S A WAVE MACHINE (not only that, but the Maccabees wrote a song about it?!)

I got talking to the lifeguard later, who told me that apparently the manufacturer of the machine has gone out of business so they can't get it serviced at all, and occasionally it just doesn't work for a couple of days. Plus they have to run it on a really low voltage otherwise it shorts, so the waves aren't as big as they once were. I still thought it was GREAT.

In the middle of a fun logo design project.

As a special treat to myself after a long week of work, I trekked over to Stratford for a swim in the OLYMPIC POOL! So lonnnnnng, so bluuuuuue, so deeeeeeep, so cleeeeeaaaan...

I will definitely go back, though it's a bit of a mission to go very often, it does feel like a nice change. I swam a whole mile! (Slowly) (Had a burger again afterwards obvs, just in case anyone was under any delusion that I might actually be getting healthy here)

Chase's old cooly mat got worn out so I had to get her a new one. I got it out of its packaging and flapped it down on the kitchen floor and she immediately emerged and lay on it (and it wasn't even that hot!) She seems to love it year round, so we basically always have it out for her.

Back when I started this project nearly 10 (!) years ago, I remember saying to myself 'look Emma, there's ALWAYS something to draw about'... Which is why sometimes I end up drawing about something as utterly banal as this — my ongoing quest to find the very specific tiny halogen lightbulbs that my landlord installed in the bathroom, that have been discontinued from almost every outlet.

I treated myself to this new stool for my work desk — review to come soon probably, once I've figured out whether I like it or not?! It's supposedly 'active' (i.e. kinda wobbly) so my posture will be better and I'll keep my core engaged or something. So far kinda tiring tbh...

My partner saw this and said "I really like that joke" — so I hope you do too :)

See you at the end of September! (If you're not too grossed out by my snot story to return)